I don't know about you, but I could use a little break from all going on right now, and thought maybe we could create a virtual happy hour for Edmontonians who may be feeling isolated or uncertain right now.
This is very experimental - I am not a pro in hosting large virtual events, so I'm going to just give this a go, and see who might be interested in joining! Space will be limited. If this fills up, there will be a waiting room. If many people want to join or do it again, I'll definitely look at expanding to more people and potentially include some special guests for future Happy Hours! I'm also open to suggestions or ideas. For now, I'll give this a go on Zoom video conferencing. You can join the virtual Happy Hour via most devices through the following link.
Happy is mandatory. Alcohol optional.
Must be 18+ to join. Topic: #YEGVirtualHappyHour Time: Mar 20, 2020 05:00 PM Edmonton Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/681955243 Meeting ID: 681 955 243